Newsletter 2002


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2002 In Review

And we thought that 2001 was a tough year.  Well, ...... 2002 will really, really go down in history as one of the worst economic years in a long time.  Despite all the terrible times and difficult teachings, we will try to remember 2002 as a memorable year for the following reasons:

Alexandra graduated from 2nd grade.  AJ finished Pre-K school. And Austin started walking and talking.  They all had a great time with swimming, tennis, piano, dance and making friends.

In the Spring, Dad went through what would be a very special event and change our lives forever.  Dad attended CRHP at SJN.  As such, he had no expectations going in, but after returning from the weekend, it was clear the he would join formation and be transformed for life.

In tandem with the CRHP weekend, Dad joined HillCast Technologies, a wireless financial applications company, and built the product line, got several thousand customer to use the product, signed multiple partnerships and contracts, hired lots of talent, and raised some money. Dad put his heart and soul into this one (his fourth start-up) and felt very good about the accomplishments for the year.

Even though, we didn't travel as usual to California, the Summer was grand with T-ball, swimming, and waking up with music and dancing everyday.  The kids explored and also learned a great deal about God, nature, space, singing, basketball, and chess.  As they are getting bigger and smarter, Dad is finding himself interacting more and more with them.  And lets not forget the indescribable and electric soccer matches before dinner.  Wow......Ronaldo would say, if he was around and could see the games.  The kids are amazing as they discover how to control their bodies and power.

But the total hysterical highlight has to be to watch Austin chasing Alexandra and AJ on their roller platforms at full speed around the entire house.  Giggles and screams of complete joy bounce from all walls into one ear and into the next.  I have never seen so much joy per square foot.

Soon thereafter, it was time to go back to school and reality. Alexandra started 3rd grade and AJ started kindergarten at his sister's school.  A proud moment for AJ and Mom, indeed.  A great tail about AJ's first day was that, as Mom was leaving him in his classroom, she wanted a hug and kiss goodbye....AJ's response to this request was...."Mom, I will be fine, don't worry.  Besides I will be going to college soon.  But don't worry, I will call you on my cell phone everyday."  Now, how does a 5 year old come up with such a brilliance and wit?

We had visits from Steve and Helen, and we got reunited with Laura and Dave in Galveston.  We had a great time with all and hope to see them more often (Move down nearby soon).

Dad visited grandma Sonia and successfully resolved some family business matters down there.  While down South, Dad also saw uncle Orel, aunt Alba, uncle Teddy, cousin Raul, cousin Antonella, and hanged out with godfather Fred.

Upon his return from down South, Dad led a team of men at the church to give the CRHP weekend to a new blessed team of men from the parish. This will go down as the most spiritual and life changing event in Dad's life.  Giving the weekend was infinite times more powerful than receiving it.  Not too long after this gift, Mom joined CRHP and received her weekend of grace.  Mom got really hooked and we have been blessed with her spiritual growth and leadership at many levels.  Her faith and love are so deep and awesome.  She also decided to do formation and we hope that her giving weekend in 2003 is fully blessed with a great harvest.  Go Mom !!!

We celebrated Thanksgiving again with our cousins from El Paso, Juan and Yza, and enjoyed a great quiet Christmas and wonderful neighborly New Year.    We didn't go skiing this year.  The kids really missed it.  Maybe in 2003.

In closing, we wish you all the best and pray for peace and health.  We hope that 2003 is a kinder and gentler year to our wallets and peace of mind.  We pray that if there is to be war, that the casualties be zero and the pain not be felt.

Forever friends,

The Carvallo's


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